It's been a little while since I have not been able to blog. Today I just felt to make a post after watching the Majlis.
During these two weeks I got a chance to watch almost every session of the Majils. I found it more disturbing than interesting. Every member seems to be more interested to make a bit of campaign for the upcoming election and if any time left, to promote the party they support. Then comes the interesting part. Almost every member who does not belong to DRP seems to be very much keen to attack the former president Maumoon. In every sitting I saw waves of attacks on Maumoon and his 30 year regime, the corruptions of Maumoon, the expensive government, the family government and anything and everything about Maumoon.
Let me make it very clear that I am not a supporter of Mr. Maumoon. Indeed I too was looking forward to see a day this country gets a new and fresh leader. And I am glade we got a leader like Mr. Nasheed(Anni) who sacrificed so much to bring democracy to our country.
I am not saying Maumoon was right. I am not saying he did not do anything wrong, nor am I saying that he should not be brought in front of justice. If the members of Parliament are interested to make any case against Maumoon in court or else where, fine, do it! But don't make it an excuse to waste the time of the Parliament sittings. I just cant make any sense when the so called great politicians of our country who claim to be so worried about the people are wasting their precious time. There is a lot to be done. Why then are they bringing the topic of Maumoon in every sitting? Is it just merely because he did so much of wrong to our country, or is it simply making it a good reason to promote themselves? I feel that the second reason is more closer than the first.
Now my point is very simple and clear. If the parliamentarians are interested to make a case against Maumoon in court or Parliament, do it officially in a more political manner rather than running around the bush. Do it or just stop talking about it. In any case don't wast the time spent in Parliament as there is a lot do be done there. Make time for it and don't make very sitting an opportunity to drop a "time bomb"on Maumoon. In another way I'd say leave Maumoon alone and mind your own business.