Today is 43rd Independence Day of Maldives. The celebrations are going on though not at a high scale.
As everyone is so involved in the celebrations, I’d like to turn my attention to something else. When we celebrate the Independence Day, what is the present situation of our country? It will not be an unfair judgment if I say that the county is in a critical situation. When I say critical I don’t mean to say the country is in real danger in anyway by any means. However, it is the fact that Maldives is experiencing a lot of changes in the past few years. Changes are good by its nature, yet may bring results that we don’t want to see, if it is not done properly.
Political changes are what everyone talks about in the recent days.
A new constitution is been drafted and is expected to be ratified soon. Party systems started working. New commissions and systems are in place. Media is opened a lot compared to the ‘only government media’ system that we had ever since. New resorts are in place etc… hey a lot is done right? Very true!
A lot is really done. And that too is in a short period of time. Well that was the changes that we like to see. Who will talk about the things that we don’t like to see?
It will not be an exaggeration if I say that nearly 50% or more of the youths are using drugs. The social values and norms of the society are no more accepted by the new generations. Indeed, they take it as odd and out dated. The qualities like respect to parents, elders, teachers seems no more fits to this country. The economy is in a very unstable situation. These are things we need to think about on our Independence Day. But do we really??? Think again.